Christians are really good at over-spiritualizing themselves out of action. There’s too many people asking God to do something He’s commanded them to do! You have a lot more pull than you think. God has given you those children. You know them better than anyone. That knowledge (the world would call a gut instinct) is a spiritual read God has given you.

So what happens when you begin to see what most people overlook? It may be a subtle way of opting out of being social or a slight burst of anger, whatever it may be–DON’T IGNORE IT. Watch the patterns your children exude. If they run up to their bedroom every night, avoiding you or the family, address the situation. If they’re slight bursts of anger become regular, address the situation. Don’t run away from a problem because you don’t want a confrontation.

Some problems can be rectified in a few minutes of conversation. Other problems may need the assistance of an outside source but make no mistake about, it is necessary. Communicating with your child is vital to their well being and overall strength. Take the time to look into their eyes and talk. Let them know how much you love them. Talk about their future. Motivate them to move in the things of the Lord.

Deut. 6:6-9 says “These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.” See the devil is a one trick pony. His game is deception. If he can get your children to fall into that trap, he secures the victory over their life. That’s why we have to “impress” God’s Word on them. To impress simply means to influence in opinion or to affect deeply or strongly in mind or feeling. See that? What you may have been asking God to do is actually something He’s instructed YOU to do.

The only way to combat these ill intentions is to snuff out the lie with God’s truth. That’s why He’s also commanded us to talk about them every chance we get! God’s Word is the truth that will reset every attitude and behavior. That’s why it’s so important! Allow for the Word to root itself in your child’s heart and watch the turn around.


Stay in the KNOW with all things MIGHTY