Oh Sweet March!… The month that brings us the highly anticipated, SPRING. Spring, so widely known to be the season of renewal, rejuvenation and rebirth. When warmer weather revives everything from plants to animals. Our planners and agendas fill up with activities to come. Many to-do’s, so many places to be and so many relationships to sustain…. 

Fast forward to the 23rd of March. I am staring at my planner after studying my bible and journaling. A practice I have always made time for. It is a necessity for me. I hope it is for you, too!  As we are wrapping up week 1 of quarantine, I stare at the hustle and bustle of my schedule as it is laid out before me in my planner. Trivial tasks that blend into the next. I had it all planned out, all mapped out, but didn’t we all? Those plans, tasks and appointments went to the wayside as we were kindly mandated indoors to quarantine… Whoa. In an instance; a blink of an eye… the world as we knew it, stopped. Plans, school, and work – all canceled. 

Quarantine? What now?

During this time of quarantine, I have stayed relatively up to date with the news and social media –  I like to stay in the loop of everything that is going on. There are so many questions, so many uncertainties… How long will this go on for? What is to come? Can we endure?  I must admit, during this time, not once, have I felt fear. Not once, have I felt the need to panic. The season of renewal, rejuvenation and revival is still in full bloom in my household and I pray the same dwells in yours. During this time of seclusion, most of us have family around us, I encourage you to BE that beacon of hope and joy in these moments. For your spouse, your children and those around you. FEAR is a liar; fear can make you believe the worst, act the worst and BE the worst. Fear and anxiety can be transferred like germs. Transferred to our children and those near and dear to us. Fear changes the atmosphere in every room, in every place. Change the atmosphere when you walk into a room. Keep the right perspective in all things by staying in The Word. Encourage everyone you encounter. Ephesians 2:2 tells us: ‘the enemy is the prince of air’ – of the atmosphere that surrounds us! The Lord gives us dominion, therefore we have the authority to change the atmosphere, correct the narrative. Psalm 91 tells us: ‘Those who live in the shelter of the Most High, will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him. For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease. He will cover you with his feathers. He will shelter you with his wings. His faithful promises are your armor and protection.

His faithful promises are your armor and protection. Repeat a 100x a day to keep the doctor away. 

Wear it as a seal; our armor and protection are in HIM and His promises.

Take comfort. Let’s make hope and joy contagious today!



Stay in the KNOW with all things MIGHTY